Registered ALSA Surveyors' Corporation


By keeping an honest and open line of communication with you, our clients, we are able to provide you with the highest quality of land survey services by implementing the most efficient and effective way of delivering your survey needs and helping you reach your goals, be it construction, legal surveys or any other services within our expertise. 

Needless to say, an upfront and straightforward dealings mean a project is done on time and within budget at all times.

helping you Finish the job on time and under budget

Mr. Richard David is also a regular member of:

Our Land Surveyors have solid backgrounds in legal surveys, residential and commercial as well as pipeline construction. You get the benefit of combined education, training and experience that's been acquired year after year, job after job.


No work is too hard . we're never satisfied until you are.


past Projects

Working with you to ensure you meet your goals

Our portfolio includes the successful construction of master-planned communities, schools, commercial buildings, office complexes, and more.

..the very foundation we build our relationships on..

Low overhead cost means we can pass the savings to you. In a time where quality of work and low cost seems to be at odds, it's nice to know that we're here to provide you with quality of service without jeopardizing your budget.

Land Surveys     Construction    Geomatics

Competitive rates

  • Site Grading and Grading Certificates
  • Pipeline Construction
  • Property Line Stakeout
  • Roads and Rights of Way Surveys